I’m hesitant to attach gadgets to my body that send sonic waves or pulses to do who knows what to my psyche.

Cove is a light-weight wearable device that loops over the ears and wraps behind the base of the user’s head. When Feelmore Labs approached me with an offer to review their Cove product, I was very skeptical. Now, a wellness technology company has a wearable device that just might bring more good vibes your way. But doing nothing to relieve routine stress usually winds up causing sleep and illness problems as well.

It’s important to include all the restore logic.Everyday stress at work and home sometimes seems like a health issue you just have to tolerate. INFILE=/home/steam/Steam/storage/universe OUTDIR=/mnt/public/Support/Systems/server4/home/steam/Steam/storage These are mostly hard-coded and will be difficult to change the cadence. # The overall architecture of this tool uses a weekly full backup with daily incrementals strategy. # time SERVERACTIONSOFF=1 DESTDIR=/tmp/universe.restore RESTOREPOINT=today DEBUG=1 RESTORE=1 sh bup_v2_starbound.sh # cronjob: 30 3 * * * steam /usr/bin/sh /home/steam/bin/bup_v2_starbound.sh 1>/dev/null 2>&1 # SERVERACTIONSOFF= Use =1 to skip the start/stop service commands # DRYRUN= Use =1 to not take any actions. It is recommended to restore elsewhere, validate, and then place in real location. # RESTOREPOINT=YYYY-MM-DD Date to restore to, if RESTORE=1. # BUP_DATE Override builtin TODAY variable (YYYY-MM-DD), primarily for testing purposes

# RESTORE=0 Use =1 to choose the restore action instead of backup action. # OUTDIR path where backup tarballs are placed # Purpose: Take backups, full once a week and incremental daily. # Title: Incremental Backup and Restore Solution for Starbound The backup task, and the corresponding restore task, are all bundled into one self-contained script! This whole project is just one shell script. I run a private Starbound server, which I have described in great detail on this site.